
Read Our Newsletters | EDITION 12

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✨ July 2024 Newsletter ✨


4minutes28seconds (the time span of the recent solar eclipse) is the second devised musical entirely scripted by Chickenshed NYC's Players and Practitioners. Based on themes of revelation and discovery, the plot revolves around two sisters who are seemingly very disconnected. The older sister is focused on the college application process while Luna, a science nerd, is obsessed with the upcoming eclipse and all things space. Forced to work on a school fundraiser together, they begin to develop mutual respect. Meanwhile, the audience is entertained with science-based skits interspersed with facts about the eclipse inspired by guest scientists during the semester. In the end, both Luna and Celeste succeed in their quests with the support of each other as well as their friends and family. This heartwarming story finishes with scenes of joy engendered by college acceptances. Tune in to see cameos by parents and siblings!

Click here for a short clip about the show's impact or watch it in its entirety by clicking here.  

Celebrating Our Seniors


Wesley is a founding Chickenshed Player and has just finished his senior year at the Cooke School. His infectious laughter often fills the room but not when he is in the wings, one of the many rules of the theatre he has learned during his five years as a Player. According to Wesley, the other key rules are:

  • smile on stage while dancing
  • practice, practice, practice at home
  • when standing on stage, keep your hands at your sides, not on your waist - no teapotting!
  • and always stay in character

Wesley's favorite show has been 4minutes28seconds because he executed his first line, "Testing 1-2-3" with perfect timing and aplomb. He also enjoyed playing the cajon with a buddy in the show. He laughed when Elaine shouted, "play louder" and thinks the solution is to amp it next time!  

Wesley appreciates much about Chickenshed - he enjoys making new friends, learning the "catchy" original music, playing "rockstar" during workshops, and meeting real Broadway celebrities. He has become quite the theatre aficionado giving a thumbs down to the Blue Man Group and two thumbs up to Six and Back to the Future. He has an amazing memory for lines and plot. Maybe theatre critic is in his future! Wesley is thankful for his Chickenshed family describing it as "lovely". We are so pleased Wesley will continue to contribute his special magic and laughter to the Chickenshed experience in the years to come.  


Caroline graduated from the Clinton School this June and is heading to the University of Virginia to study biology. While she has always had an interest in science, she has been inspired by the infusion of science into the programming at Chickenshed, reinforcing how impactful science can be in so much of life. Caroline joined Chickenshed as a sophomore and enjoyed learning about endangered species during the development of Tigon and The Liger. As one of the first interns, she wrote and delivered a monologue about climate change for last year's devised musical Don't Stop Believin’. She also believes the experience she has had working with the younger Players will help her cater to each child as a camp counselor this summer. While her final high school semester was too hectic to remain a Chickenshed Player, she was a volunteer for the spring show, seeing the process from a different perspective and helping others to shine on stage.

Caroline has a profound respect for Chickenshed - she believes it is a place for everyone, creating an inclusive, comfortable space for young people to discover themselves. She is inspired by the care and support that people at Chickenshed have for one another and finds it a refreshing respite in a life full of competition.

Best of luck to you Caroline - come back to visit anytime!

Caroline's Chickenshed experience was captured by one of our donors, The Simons Foundation - click here to see more.


Scott just finished his senior year at The Ideal School and has been a Chickenshed Player since the beginning, over five years ago. When Scott rolls into a room, he brings with him an irresistible energy and enthusiasm. He likes Chickenshed because it is fun, and he can interact with his friends and different people. His favorite activities are singing and dancing and even showed off a few of his best moves during our zoom interview! Scott has been in all Chickenshed's stage performances, but his favorite was 4minutes28seconds because it was funny, and he liked the dancing. In his opinion, the best act was Shooting Star - the finale!

Outside of Chickenshed, Scott likes to shop, especially for Pops (big-headed figurines from pop culture) of which he has a burgeoning collection. A self-confessed, "Swiftie", Scott is looking forward to seeing her in concert in a few months. Surely, she will sing "Cruel Summer" - his favorite song!

Scott's sense of humor and sense of joy is a real gift to Chickenshed NYC. But this year, he didn't stop there! Family and friends made donations in honor of his graduating. Thank you, Scott! Chickenshed is fortunate that you will continue to bring your energy to workshops and the stage.

Sign up for 2024/2025!

Registration has opened for the next year of Chickenshed NYC fun! In the fall, Players will be performing The Toymaker’s Child - a New York version of last year's sold-out London holiday show and in the spring the Players will devise an original musical based around AI.  

Click here to register and learn more!

A Second Location

At Chickenshed NYC we want everyone to be able to access the magic. To that end, we are offering programs for ages 5-13 at the Center at West Park on the Upper West Side. UWS Players will workshop and rehearse for the same shows as the 14th Street Y Players, then during tech week everyone will be integrated to shine together on stage.  

Please help spread the word to those friends and family for whom the UWS is more accessible.

Click here to register.

Build The Shed 2024

We are so very close to our annual campaign goal of $250,000. We have $9,100 to go! Can you help us close it out and get to the finish line? Click here to donate or contact Elliot at

Alternatively, we have two VIP box tickets to the Miami Taylor Swift concert in October going up for auction soon on Charitybuzz. What a great way to donate and have a great experience! Contact Elliot for more information.


Please read our Annual Report to see how your investment made a difference in 2023!

1441 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018

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Main Post:

✨ July 2024 Newsletter ✨


4minutes28seconds (the time span of the recent solar eclipse) is the second devised musical entirely scripted by Chickenshed NYC's Players and Practitioners. Based on themes of revelation and discovery, the plot revolves around two sisters who are seemingly very disconnected. The older sister is focused on the college application process while Luna, a science nerd, is obsessed with the upcoming eclipse and all things space. Forced to work on a school fundraiser together, they begin to develop mutual respect. Meanwhile, the audience is entertained with science-based skits interspersed with facts about the eclipse inspired by guest scientists during the semester. In the end, both Luna and Celeste succeed in their quests with the support of each other as well as their friends and family. This heartwarming story finishes with scenes of joy engendered by college acceptances. Tune in to see cameos by parents and siblings!

Click here for a short clip about the show's impact or watch it in its entirety by clicking here.  

Celebrating Our Seniors


Wesley is a founding Chickenshed Player and has just finished his senior year at the Cooke School. His infectious laughter often fills the room but not when he is in the wings, one of the many rules of the theatre he has learned during his five years as a Player. According to Wesley, the other key rules are:

  • smile on stage while dancing
  • practice, practice, practice at home
  • when standing on stage, keep your hands at your sides, not on your waist - no teapotting!
  • and always stay in character

Wesley's favorite show has been 4minutes28seconds because he executed his first line, "Testing 1-2-3" with perfect timing and aplomb. He also enjoyed playing the cajon with a buddy in the show. He laughed when Elaine shouted, "play louder" and thinks the solution is to amp it next time!  

Wesley appreciates much about Chickenshed - he enjoys making new friends, learning the "catchy" original music, playing "rockstar" during workshops, and meeting real Broadway celebrities. He has become quite the theatre aficionado giving a thumbs down to the Blue Man Group and two thumbs up to Six and Back to the Future. He has an amazing memory for lines and plot. Maybe theatre critic is in his future! Wesley is thankful for his Chickenshed family describing it as "lovely". We are so pleased Wesley will continue to contribute his special magic and laughter to the Chickenshed experience in the years to come.  


Caroline graduated from the Clinton School this June and is heading to the University of Virginia to study biology. While she has always had an interest in science, she has been inspired by the infusion of science into the programming at Chickenshed, reinforcing how impactful science can be in so much of life. Caroline joined Chickenshed as a sophomore and enjoyed learning about endangered species during the development of Tigon and The Liger. As one of the first interns, she wrote and delivered a monologue about climate change for last year's devised musical Don't Stop Believin’. She also believes the experience she has had working with the younger Players will help her cater to each child as a camp counselor this summer. While her final high school semester was too hectic to remain a Chickenshed Player, she was a volunteer for the spring show, seeing the process from a different perspective and helping others to shine on stage.

Caroline has a profound respect for Chickenshed - she believes it is a place for everyone, creating an inclusive, comfortable space for young people to discover themselves. She is inspired by the care and support that people at Chickenshed have for one another and finds it a refreshing respite in a life full of competition.

Best of luck to you Caroline - come back to visit anytime!

Caroline's Chickenshed experience was captured by one of our donors, The Simons Foundation - click here to see more.


Scott just finished his senior year at The Ideal School and has been a Chickenshed Player since the beginning, over five years ago. When Scott rolls into a room, he brings with him an irresistible energy and enthusiasm. He likes Chickenshed because it is fun, and he can interact with his friends and different people. His favorite activities are singing and dancing and even showed off a few of his best moves during our zoom interview! Scott has been in all Chickenshed's stage performances, but his favorite was 4minutes28seconds because it was funny, and he liked the dancing. In his opinion, the best act was Shooting Star - the finale!

Outside of Chickenshed, Scott likes to shop, especially for Pops (big-headed figurines from pop culture) of which he has a burgeoning collection. A self-confessed, "Swiftie", Scott is looking forward to seeing her in concert in a few months. Surely, she will sing "Cruel Summer" - his favorite song!

Scott's sense of humor and sense of joy is a real gift to Chickenshed NYC. But this year, he didn't stop there! Family and friends made donations in honor of his graduating. Thank you, Scott! Chickenshed is fortunate that you will continue to bring your energy to workshops and the stage.

Sign up for 2024/2025!

Registration has opened for the next year of Chickenshed NYC fun! In the fall, Players will be performing The Toymaker’s Child - a New York version of last year's sold-out London holiday show and in the spring the Players will devise an original musical based around AI.  

Click here to register and learn more!

A Second Location

At Chickenshed NYC we want everyone to be able to access the magic. To that end, we are offering programs for ages 5-13 at the Center at West Park on the Upper West Side. UWS Players will workshop and rehearse for the same shows as the 14th Street Y Players, then during tech week everyone will be integrated to shine together on stage.  

Please help spread the word to those friends and family for whom the UWS is more accessible.

Click here to register.

Build The Shed 2024

We are so very close to our annual campaign goal of $250,000. We have $9,100 to go! Can you help us close it out and get to the finish line? Click here to donate or contact Elliot at

Alternatively, we have two VIP box tickets to the Miami Taylor Swift concert in October going up for auction soon on Charitybuzz. What a great way to donate and have a great experience! Contact Elliot for more information.


Please read our Annual Report to see how your investment made a difference in 2023!

1441 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018

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